So now that I'm a little calmer, I'll try to give a little play by play of the last 36 hours or so since my last post. Monday afternoon of course I cried buckets of tears and generally just moped around feeling very sorry for myself. That amount of crying always gives me the worst headache, which was still going strong when I woke up at 7am Tuesday. I'd set my alarm to take my thyroid medicine since they told me to get that down before 8am. After that I couldn't get back to sleep so I rolled around for awhile and finally got up around 8:30 and started to get ready. It was really a miserable morning. First there was the headache, then I wasn't allowed to eat anything so I alternated between feeling like I was starving to death and like I was going to throw up. We headed over to the surgery center a little after 10am (they had moved my surgery up to noon). Sitting in the waiting room I dissolved into tears when I saw the cutest little girl walk by wearing a pink Seahawks jersey with her blonde hair in braids. Ugh. I had my blood drawn (hemogram with platelets) and didn't have to wait too long after that before going back to pre-op.
Everyone was SO nice, including the anesthesiologist, which I was a little surprised about. Usually men in general just don't know how to react, but even he said he was really sorry and actually asked how we were doing with all this. Plus he ordered a couple doses of Fentanyl for my headache while we waited, which was super. I cried again when he told us that he and his wife had 3 losses too but now they have 4 kids. So anyway, I got changed into my hospital gown, answered a million questions about my health history, got my IV put in, got a dose of Fentanyl, went to the bathroom, got another dose of Fentanyl, all the while covered in warm blankets and alternating between chatting with Eric and staring off into space (I was pretty much in la la land at that point). Finally I said goodbye to Eric and they wheeled me back to the operating room. I climbed up on the table and the last thing I remember is the oxygen mask going on.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery. Although waking up probably isn't technically correct because I had only been heavily sedated, not "asleep". It felt like waking up though. I started crying again. Ate some toast, drank some 7-up, used the ladies room, took some pain pills, got dressed, and went home. Natalie brought over some delicious Pho and I spent the rest of the day not moving much, watching 13 going on 30, The Sandlot, and the first season of Friends. I finally dragged myself down to bed around 10:30pm.
So now here I am. I'm still a little loopy in general but my last pain pills were more than 12 hours ago and I don't feel a thing. I guess we'll see how it goes. I know they numbed the area so it might take awhile for that to wear off. Now we begin the long game of waiting to try again. Last time it was exactly 8 weeks from the D&C before my period started again. So that will take us to the first week of December. I'm interested though to see how my cycles pan out now that I'm taking the Synthroid.
I also just want to say how much I appreciate everyone's prayers and everything. It is really encouraging to know people are reading and caring. I hope someday soon I will have some happier news for everyone :)
This was a tough post to read for someone who loves you so much. But I know it was only fraction of how tough it was to actually live it. I hope you're on the pathway to being like your anesthesiologist today and you can share your SUCCESS stories with others who may in the future have to endure the same struggles you've endured. Thinking of you and praying always.
I've been wanting to write you for days, but I've lacked the words. Words are so inadequate. So I've prayed.
That our Lord, who is able to do immeasurbly more than all we ask or imagine, will give you his peace at all times and in all ways. That He will bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you, and give you the kind of peace that passes all understanding.
DEUT 31:8
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
I love you, Manda. My heart breaks for you.
I, like Mandy, share the vision that you will someday look back, in full assurance of faith, and be able to comfort others with the same comfort you have received from the Lord.
Until that day, I will pray, asking God's mercy over your heart.
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