Wednesday, December 10, 2008

28 days

This is it, I should be expecting my little monthly friend any day now. I am excited to see if it comes sooner rather than later. I have been feeling a little under the weather the last couple of days, really nauseated and stuff, so I did take a pregnancy test yesterday (negative) just out of curiousity. I was not really expecting anything because we have not been trying but I guess the last positive one I had I wasn't expecting that either. So next Friday I have my sonohysterogram first thing in the morning and then it will be time to get serious. Yippee! I can't wait. But I am so nervous! All this not finding anything wrong business is really screwing with my head. The terror is setting in right along with the excitement. Now if only I wasn't feeling so yucky… and if only I could lose like 15 lbs… and if only it would snow… and if only I could find Evie's "Come on ring those bells" album on something other than vinyl… and ok I'm done now.

1 comment:

Jenni Clayville said...

I'm glad your blogging this!

I totally understand what you're going thru. Your story sounds like ours. We were labeled "infertile" and it was devastating.

I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts!