Wednesday, May 13, 2009

T minus 100 years

Ugh! It is only 7 days until my ultrasound but it might as well be a lifetime. The days, busy as they are, are still crawling by at a glacial pace. I have been trying to think of an excuse to call the doctor and demand we do it already, but I'm coming up with nothing. I'm also endlessly analyzing all my symptoms and comparing this pregnancy to the previous 3. Clearly things are going better as far as I can tell. Ignorance would be bliss but unfortunately I know from my own experience and that of others' that I could still get a horrible disappointment on that little grainy screen, regardless of how "good" things seem. So I do my best to put that out of my mind.

I've started to develop a strange relationship with food. Yesterday I absolutely could not bring myself to eat either of the things in my lunch bag, so I had a roast beast wrap for lunch and for dinner a McDonald's crispy chicken (plain) before I went to class. And a fruit and yogurt parfait. My lunch choices were quiche, and half an enchilada with brown rice and black beans. I ate the enchilada today for lunch and it was delicious but I think quiche might be off the grid for good. Which is a little strange because that too was delicious when I made it this weekend. Also this morning I drank a glass of chocolate milk and shortly thereafter was the closest I have come to throwing up so far. Interesting. Finally iodized salt is going on pretty much everything because my book says most pregnant women don't get enough iodine, especially if they cook exclusively with kosher salt (like I do). Iodine deficiency contributes to thyroid problems.

So that's the latest. Keep praying for me, and for the week to fly by!


Rebekah said...

well you certainly sound very pregnant with those food is so funny how something will sound good one minute and then awful the next! sending up prayers!!

McMahan family said...

I agree with Rebekah. :) I LOVED chocolate milk when I was pregnant, though. I always drank a cup of that and ate a few bites of applesauce every morning before even getting out of bed so I could fend off as much nausea as possible. Whenever I felt hungry, I also felt nauseous so I kept the hunger at bay. Which also means I ate all the time. Which is evident when you look at the extra poundage I still carry around 15.5 months after my child was born.

Still praying! I'm looking forward to your big day next week.