Sunday, October 11, 2009

28 weeks pics

Well 28 weeks officially starts the 3rd trimester I guess, according to Baby Seth is the size of a Napa cabbage now, but with appendages. He still moves around all over the place, but mainly just when people aren't touching my belly waiting for him to. I guess he is shy like that. Last night I played him some music with the headphones on my stomach. It really didn't seem to make much of a difference I don't think. He moved a lot during DMB Ants Marching but I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

Anyway, not a whole lot to share today. I'm still waking up. Eric got up early to go play in a golf tournament (brrrrrr!) so I'm all alone with my messy basement. I will try to make some progress on that today just so it's not a death trap for small children and animals like it is now. In the meantime, here are some lovely pictures for your viewing pleasure.

And here's a lovely close up of my new baby bling (Dr. H mentioned I might want to get something a little more flexible). Sorry if this is kind of gross, I am not skilled with airbrushing in Photoshop :)

I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. It's all long and dangly and I'm afraid it's going to get caught on something. Eric said if we were having a girl he might make me take it out (bully!). But since it's a boy I can keep it for now.

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