Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Not for the faint of heart

The Medrol pack appears to be working already. I feel like a new woman...almost. Still a long, long way to go but I can tell I'm going to be having a Merry Christmas and I'll even be able to wear a BRA!

Just in case my string of whiney posts this week weren't enough to convince you of my misery, I thought I would share a picture. Eric talked me into getting some photographic evidence of my "condition" this morning (so someday when Seth has the chicken pox really bad I can say, ha! I'll take your chicken pox and raise you some PUPPs!). I can't bring myself to post the really nasty ones, even strategically cropped, so here is my leg and I'll leave the rest up to your imagination (click on the image below at your own risk). This horribleness is all over my hips, back, arms, ankles. But don't my nails look nice?

LUCKILY, last week before all this happened I had the foresight to take some *nice* naked-ish preggo pictures in which my skin is smooth and white as snow. I won't be sharing those, sorry :)


buttakwup said...

Poor baby. It looks like Measles or something. I'm getting itchy just looking at you. But yes, your nails are spectacular. And you're in the final countdown now!

Shauna said...

OUCH! Oh my goodness.... :( Glad you were able to finally get some relief though!!