Last night before going to bed I went in to check on Seth like I always do, and he was so still and quiet that for the first time in 4 months I really thought for a minute that he was not breathing. I actually shook him a little bit and he still did not move a muscle. My heart just about stopped but finally I could feel his little chest going up and down. I'm sure only about 10 seconds had really gone by but it felt like 10 minutes. Usually all I do is lay a hand on him for a second and then as I'm walking out of the room he stirs a little, but he was really in a deep sleep I guess because he never did move or make a sound until like 20 minutes later.
Yikes. I didn't sleep very well all night, probably from the massive dose of adrenaline that surged through my body. I told Eric today I wished there was a little heart rate monitor I could stick on him and it would send an alert to my phone if it stopped. There must be an app for that...
Have I ever mentioned that Adela sometimes sleeps with her eyes partly open? Yeah. The first time that happened, I almost collapsed when she finally woke up (after me frantically jiggling her.) Funny now. Actualy no, it's still really not.
No! You hadn't mentioned that, eek! I've seen Seth do that before but during REM so he's moving all around. Yeah not too funny :(
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