Dear Seth,
You are 22 weeks old today. You are truly the happiest baby on the block, and at least for the time being a tough little cookie. Nothing gets you down, nothing rattles you. Bright lights, loud noises, strangers, hot, cold, wind, rain, you take it all in stride. You're pretty easily distracted from hunger and about the only time you're really grumpy is if you're tired too. I try *really* hard to keep you well rested and I like to think that is at least part of the reason you are so delightful. The other part is just your natural sunny disposition and we are so blessed.
Last Thursday you came down with a little cold so you've been sniffly and coughing. But it was like you knew there were fun times to be had on the weekend so on Friday you power napped. Your three naps that day added up to over 6 hours - more than double your usual nap time quota. That plus a full night's sleep and you were in pretty good spirits on Saturday while we sat out in the yard and watched Daddy and Grandpa work on the deck.
You just love being outside (too bad I didn't get a picture of that). Yesterday we went up to the high school to run on the track, but I couldn't fit the jogging stroller through the opening in the fence. So I carried you through and laid you down on the grass while I folded the stroller up and carried it through. You just rolled onto your side and grabbed big handfuls of grass gleefully, like "oooh this is new!" I'm sure one day it will be big handfuls of mud and that won't be quite as cute.
You are really getting the hang of this rolling thing. We put you down on your back and in a flash you'll roll over to your tummy, and in another flash back to your back. Soon you'll be rolling right across the room, down the stairs, out the front door, and to the mailbox to check and see if the Netflix movie you've been waiting for has arrived. Ha! I am NOT looking forward to baby proofing. As I read through the safety checklists it makes me realize our whole house is just a big baby death trap. It might actually be easier to sell our house, move, and start from scratch.
You are just starting to sit up a little bit. You're strong enough to do it, you just don't quite understand how to balance very well yet. But I just have to have my fingertips against you and you will wobble there for quite awhile. If you have something to hold onto you'll stay up on your own too. And of course you can sit up on the couch just fine like a big boy, even with one foot in your mouth.
I love you buddy, but seriously, SERIOUSLY, I would someday like to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. You are 5 months old now, it's time to man up and Sleep. Through. The. Night. I'm not asking for much here. I don't expect you to sleep 12 hours without eating, that's crazy. But 5 would be nice. Pretty please? If there's anything I can do to help you out, just let me know. You're doing really well with the one-armed swaddle right now, I think pretty soon you'll be able to graduate to the sleep sack full time. Then maybe we'll work on kicking your pacifier habit and/or introducing a blankie or stuffed animal for you to snuggle with. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
Until next week.
Love, Mama
Ooh, I like the new look! :) On the sleeping thing ... we had to graduate Kasey off the SwaddleMe. Well, I still use it but just around his waist and not his arms. He was too big for the fleece small one we had and the cotton bigger one did not fit properly so that the velcro stuck. He got too strong and was getting all tangled up in it, ticking himself off. We were forced to wean him from it. Call me sometime and I will fill you in. I also talked to our pediatrician yesterday about the sleeping issues because for example, Monday night he was up at 11, 1:30, 3:30, 4:30 and 6:30. I am going insane. But now I have a plan. And I hope it works. It worked last night pretty well but who knows what will happen tonight? It's a sort of cry-it-out thing but not completely. More later. Love you.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. The battle of our lives.
Craig is kicking butt helping her go back to sleep without eating. She's gone 5 hour stretches (without eating, but still waking briefly and needing to be soothed) the last three nights. Woot!! Never thought I'd see the day. I hear ya about SLEEPING a 5 HOUR STRETCH. Isn't it crazy how long and luxurious that seems these days? We're getting close though. I can feel it. At least until she learns another skill and regresses again. Doh!
Seth is lookin' adorable. Give him a squeeze for me.
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