Dear Seth,
You are 22 months today. What!? Only 2 more months and you'll be a 2 year old, which is crazy. More and more I hear people comment that you're turning into a little boy.
Here are a few random things I have to say about you:
You love singing and music. For a few days there you would put your hands over your head and wiggle your fingers at bedtime. It took me a minute but I figured out you wanted me to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider! That's always been one of your favorite songs but you must have learned the moves at daycare. Mostly you are fine with just listening but the one song I've heard you actually sing along to is Row Row Row Your Boat.
Finally you are answering in the affirmative! So when we ask you if you want a cracker you say "Yeah!" Even sometimes if we ask you if you want to go night night you say yeah, if you're really tired.
You've mastered the art of climbing and have moved on to launching yourself off of whatever it is you climbed on. Your favorite naughty thing is climbing up onto the end table and then jumping off the arm of the couch down onto the cousins. But you wait for us to see you standing on the table and say no no before you do it. You've also been known to leap off the couch down onto the floor.
We put away all the baby gates so you essentially have freedom to roam the house. You're instructed to stay on the main floor for the most part but sometimes you sneak down into the basement and when I come after you in the dark you giggle like crazy. A few times I have found your stuffed animals have been ejected out the cat door into the garage.
You now really want to get up where the action is and will move your chair around the kitchen so you can stand on it and see what we're doing in the sink or on the counter. Or just so you can reach anything and everything and blindly toss it over your shoulder.
You have discovered that it is fun to try on other people's shoes and walk around in them.
You give lots and lots of kisses to us and the cats and your stuffed animals. You still LOVE that crazy dancing monkey that you got for Christmas last year. One of it's legs is broken so it keeps falling over but that doesn't stop you from turning it off and on repeatedly.
You say "home" when we pull up to the house. Whenever there's a game on TV you shout "But-ball!" (football)
Last weekend daddy and I woke up to you laying in your crib saying "cock a doodle doo!"
Your life is already full of activities! You just recently finished your second session of swimming lessons. You are about halfway through your first session of Soccer Tots, and we're going to start up again at Baby Bugs (toddler tumbling) here maybe this week. Your participation in the classes is a little spotty but it's still really fun to see you run and play. Daddy takes you to the gym with him and lets you run around while he shoots baskets. When you see other people playing you look so amazed and say "WHOA!!"
You are starting to learn your letters. We have these foam letters that stick to the wall in the bath tub and so far you know O, Y, B, and D. You'll repeat a lot of others back to me but those ones you say without prompting. My little genius!
You don't really like to cuddle at bed time anymore. When you're ready for bed or a nap you want to go in your crib and be left alone basically. Some days you just hang out in your room during nap time and babble to yourself or throw everything out of your crib. Other days you actually sleep. Either way works for me. If I need a cuddle I have to get you up at night after you've been asleep for awhile.
At your last doctor's appointment you weighed 29 lbs. I'm not sure how tall you are but I'm positive you're big for your age.
Your favorite book I think is the Clifford Preschool Treasury. The other night I asked you if you wanted to read Clifford and you disappeared upstairs to your room for quite awhile but finally came back with it. We laughed because it was completely dark in your room so we don't know how you even managed to find it. You love to point out the objects or animals you know the words or sounds for and yell them out enthusiastically. Especially "BUBBLE!" and "BEE!" You also lean over and make a little munching sound pretending to eat the food out of Clifford's dish. I have no idea where you picked that up.
Pretty much every kid you see you point and yell "BABY!" You let out a big "ROAR" if you see a lion or a tiger or a bear and yell "YEE HAW" at anything resembling a horse (including a dinosaur just yesterday). You also say "bath" and this weekend you said "thank you!" Other times you sit in your car seat and speak full paragraphs in your own little language.
Well that's enough for now. Love you monkey!
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