Wednesday, June 24, 2009

12 weeks, 5 days

Im starting to get really anxious again with just 4 more days to go until my appointment. I called the office yesterday to see if they wanted me to stop the progesterone and they said go ahead and keep taking it at least until my appointment. Then Dr. H can decide then if I should stop or not. I feel like things must be ok just judging by my expanding waistline. Its definitely popping out a little below my belly button, so cute! And when I do my cat and cow exercise I can kind of feel my uterus flopping around in there, its pretty weird. I still havent gained any weight though. Thats a little strange, even though I am getting about 2200 or more calories a day (on the days I keep track). I wonder if Ill get lectured about that at my appointment. Honestly Im finding it a little hard to eat so much! I guess I could probably easily eat 3000 calories a day worth of junk food and cheeseburgers and pizza and ice cream. But 2500 calories worth of healthy food takes some SERIOUS planning.

School starts again tonight, I am so not looking forward to it. This quarter is going to be a total pain. Its really going to ruin most of my summer, I can feel it. So class is tonight, then tomorrow night I have a meeting to go over the requirements for my portfolio and orals. My portfolio is just a big binder of all my best papers and presentations that Ive completed throughout the program. Hopefully I can find them all. Not sure yet what exactly the orals are going to entail. So anyway, I have to have my draft portfolio turned in by July 7th. So that will for sure put a damper on my 4th of July weekend/vacation. So much for taking a week off to relax, no no no, Ill be doing homework, yup. FUN.


Shauna said...

The weight gain recommendations have been lessening lately - I'd say you are doing well! :) I wish I didn't gain so much during my pregnancy, trying to get it off is a pain (ya...exercise might help, but that's work!). I gained 35lbs - I'm down 15 - and it hasn't really changed since right after having her! Maybe I should hit the gym.....

McMahan family said...

Oh my gosh, I gained 45-50. I lost 27 the week after I had her. I'm just within 6 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight and really not fit to wear a bikini on my cruise next week but oh well. Feel good that you haven't gained anything yet ... I'm sure that you're getting enough nutrients. I know you're great at keeping track of what you eat and giving yourself well-balanced meals. Plus, you have plenty of time to put on the pounds. :)

It might all happen in one week one time, like BAM! I gained EIGHT POUNDS in three weeks one time and was horrified. I also measured SIX CENTIMETERS wider than my belly was supposed to measure and my doc scheduled an extra ultrasound, thinking Emma was going to be a HUGE baby. Turned out it was just a giant growth spurt for me and she must have been stretched out to make my belly stand up higher. So anyway, clearly I'm rambling. Bye now.

Amanda said...

Holy cow, I am NOT gaining 50 pounds. Ain't gonna happen! That would put me over 200, yikes! No way, no how...

Anyway, I have probably lost some muscle over the last couple of months, since I haven't been working out as hard or as often. So I'm sure that weight has just been replaced by uterus and fat and water (and 1/2 ounce of baby!).