Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just when you thought it was safe...

So after about week 13 or so I figured I was pretty much in the clear as far as the nausea and vomiting goes. But nooo, I have thrown up now TWICE in the last week. Now, granted, I think there were reasonable explanations for both occasions other than just plain old "morning" sickness. We already discussed last Friday, with the junk food. Today I think I was poisoned by mayonnaise that may have possibly sat out too long...on my sandwich...sitting on my desk. It took me at least 2 hours to eat the whole thing, which was probably more time than mayo should be allowed out of the refrigerator. So anyway, I got home, did a little workout, took a shower, suddenly felt violently ill, and threw up. I still felt pretty sick after that but managed to choke down some cereal for dinner and I'm feeling a little better now. Which is good because I think I am dehydrated and need to chug some water before bed.

Oh my goodness, two blogs in one day! What is the world coming to??

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