Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, I have to say today was about the first day in 12 or so weeks that I basically FORGOT about being pregnant. Not to say that I really forgot, but it has completely dominated my thoughts for so long that I almost feel like my identity changed a little. I became pregnant Amanda. But today was different, I was just me, it was nice. So thus, I'm not talkin' much about pregnancy today, so there! Nothing new is going on anyway, besides my pants getting tighter by the minute.

I had the day off from work but I spent most of my time working on my MBA portfolio. I realized I am truly proud of the work I have done throughout the program. Part of the process is to take our professors' comments on our papers and fix them so we have a pristine version of our work to display in the portfolio. I literally struggled with this because so many of my papers had few, if any, suggestions for improvement from my professors. Not to brag, but I am a pretty good writer when I really try to be. And I have TRIED! My GPA for the program is 3.91 so far, and the only reason it is THAT low is because I had one professor whose grading scale went straight from 3.5 to 4.0. So unless you were almost perfect (95% and above), you were getting a 3.5 (as opposed to a 3.7/3.8, etc). Furthermore, in that class I was plopped against my will into a group of random people on a project that was worth about 40% of my grade! Incidentally we did get a 93 on that project, which I believe was one of the highest in the class.

Anyway, it's been a very productive day, which makes me really happy. I'm not completely done, but EWU is closed tomorrow so I can't turn in my portfolio until Monday anyway. I have one more paper to revise, a 3 page reflective essay to write, and then I will be all set. I am getting out of my oven of a house tomorrow and heading out to the river to celebrate the 4th of July. Can't wait!

14 week belly pics tomorrow morning, I promise! Hugs and kisses everyone! :)

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