Thursday, October 15, 2009

28 week labs

So I got another clean bill of pregnancy health today.  The results of my 1 hour glucose challenge were well within normal limits.  She didnt say exactly what it was, but according to PAML anything from 50-129 mg/dL is good, so NO GESTATIONAL DIABETES, YES!!!!  YAY!!!  Just in case youre not familiar (I know a lot of you are) with the glucose challenge, they make you drink this little sugar drink (which I thought tasted like Orange childrens Triaminic) and then sit around the waiting room for an hour before they draw your blood.  If your results are too high then they do a 2 or 3 hour glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes. 

I am very slightly anemic she said, which is pretty normal, and not bad enough that they want me to take an iron supplement, just continue the prenatal vitamins.  So maybe Ill have to eat some more burgers and steak.  And spinach.  But that might explain why Ive been so dang tired.  Anyway, Im just really really happy about the glucose thing. 

I woke up today feeling so weird!  I feel like the baby has relocated or shifted or something.  The lower part of my uterus feels so empty somehow, at least compared to yesterday.  And its way easier to pee!  Before today it felt kind of like my bladder was getting pinched in half or something and I couldnt quite well anyway.  Hehe.  Its funny though because just yesterday I was reading articles on this website ( about the best positions for your baby to be in for delivery.  It recommended practicing proper maternal posture and inversions and such to keep your baby head down as much as possible as you get close to the end.  So I was practicing some of that last night (basically downward dog in yoga), maybe that did something.  Although it seems like I am still feeling the kicks and pokes in the same places.  I *think* I feel hands down low below my belly button, around my hip bones, and feet up higher by my ribs.  But Im not really sure yet.  Sometimes  it feels like there are hands and feet all over the place (and more than 2 of each), so who knows?!?

1 comment:

buttakwup said...

Woohoo! I'm so glad. It sucked big time worrying about that for weeks.