Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seth 10 weeks

Dear Seth,

You are 10 weeks old today, whoa! You're growing up so fast! Part of me can't wait for you to grow up even faster. I'm so excited for you to start doing fun stuff, like reaching for things, playing with your toys, talking (so you can tell me what's wrong), playing basketball, things like that. But then the other part of me wants you to still be 8 lbs, 0.5 oz again, so I don't throw out my back every time I lift you out of the crib. Seriously, this growing thing has got to stop. I can't afford to buy you new clothes every week. Just for the record, you're wearing Pampers size 2 diapers now, Gerber sleep 'n' play size 3-6 months, and various onesie sizes depending on the brand.

We had a pretty good day today. You took a long nap from 8:30am-10am, and I slept a good portion of that, which was nice. In the afternoon we went to the post office to mail a package, and then up to see Auntie Natalie where she works at the old folks' home. We went for a little walk after that and you had a little catnap in the stroller. Finally we went home and you had a little bit of a meltdown before you finally passed out, only to wake up still fairly cranky a mere 20 minutes later. So you had a bath and went straight to bed!

Here's the thing - on most days your naps get progressively shorter throughout the day. As the day goes on it also gets more and more difficult to get you to actually fall asleep. If you were in a better mood that whole time I would assume you just weren't that tired. However, by around 3pm or so you start acting like Oscar the Grouch for the majority of your awake time, including while you're eating - and I'm not a fan of that. You're just a big fake faker too sometimes. You'll be all whiny and yawning and rubbing your eyes one minute, and the next minute you're smiling and cooing and gooing at me (or at your monkey mobile, which you love by the way). Anyway, my biggest clue is that when you do wake up from your 20 minute power naps, you're usually a lot happier at least for a few minutes, so we're going to keep trying.

In other news, just over the last week we've had to break out the bibs (and I realized we have about a hundred of them!). It seems if you're not drooling you're spitting up all over yourself, or my shoulder. Especially if you've just had a pretty good meal, I sit you up and *BUUURRRRP* out comes a little more than just air. I've had to get more diligent about having a burp rag handy at all times and the laundry is piling up a lot faster than it used to.

Anyhoo, it's been a wild ride so far, can't wait for the next 10 weeks!

Love, Mama

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