Friday, March 5, 2010

Yes, I have fed my child

Now that I'm a mom I'm developing a whole new list of pet peeves. My latest is people (yes, admittedly well-meaning people) asking my child "are you hungry?" when I'm within earshot. News flash: babies fuss and cry for various reasons, not all of which are hunger. Seriously, I am the food source, so when you say that in front of me, what I hear you passive aggressively saying is "you poor child, hasn't your mother been feeding you?" Especially when I just got done breastfeeding my barracuda less than an hour ago and my nipples are still throbbing. So here's a tip, if you're holding a newborn - or at least my newborn - and he starts to fuss, feel free to ask me (not him) how long it's been since he ate. But don't ask my baby if he's hungry. Thanks.

Also please don't put your fingers in his mouth. Blecchhh.


Shauna said...

Heh, having one of those days? ;)

I totally get that though. And fingers in mouth - seriously!?!?!? (as in, people do that to your baby?!)

buttakwup said...


Mary Glaze said...

Oh I totally hear you...Sounds like you are getting the hang out things.

McMahan family said...

Imagine if your child was in the 5th percentile or lower. When you have a petite baby, people think you're starving your kid. SO ANNOYING. Like I'd seriously put my child on a diet or something. I went crazy every time someone asked me, "Wow, she's so tiny! Are you nursing her?" I'd say yes. Then they'd say, "Ohhhhh, okay." As if that was the problem. Crazy.