Sunday, May 16, 2010

T minus 2 more days

Wednesday I go back to work, 7:30am-12:30pm. Ugh. More on that after it happens I guess, right now I don't even want to dwell on it.

Friday we had Seth's 4 month checkup.

Weight - 16 lbs 0.5 oz - 75th %ile
Height - 26 in - 90th %ile
Head - 17.5 in - 95th %ile

His growth has been right on track, Dr. said he's "very symmetrical" - I like that. We asked about sunscreen since it is that time of year and all the products say not to use on babies under 6 months. He said it's probably best to use barrier methods and keep him out of the sun as much as possible, but go ahead and use the sunscreen too. Using it when they're a little too young is better than getting a burn. Having had many sun burns in my life I think I would agree with that. I can't imagine dealing with a sun burned baby.

He also go two shots, which he handled very well. The first one he didn't notice but the second one he definitely did and out came the tears. Not nearly as bad as last time though.

Saturday Seth went to visit with Grandpa and Nana Haynes while Eric and I ran some errands. When we got back he was hanging out half awake with Auntie Jenny and I had to post this picture so you could kind of see his awesome jeans that he got from my cousin Lisa. They are super cute and they open with snaps so you don't have to take them on and off.

Nights have been a bit of a challenge recently. Since he was born his longest stretch of sleep at night got longer and longer, all the way up to over 7 hours one night. Since then it has started to decline to about 3 hours if we're lucky. There had been a point awhile back where I'd decided not to feed him every time he woke up, if it had been less than 3 hours since he ate. Instead I would give him a pacifier and usually he'd go back to sleep. That was when he'd started sleeping longer periods (really, why bother wake up just for a pacifier?). But lately he's been eating so sporadically during the day that I got back into the habit of feeding him every time he woke up, assuming he really might be hungry. So here we are. A few days ago I started trying the pacifier strategy again and he would not have it. So last night I enlisted Daddy to help, under the theory that if I (the food source) didn't come into the room he might be more easily convinced to go back to sleep without eating. 10pm - didn't work. 1am - didn't work. At 3am I put my foot down. There was no way he needed to eat again. Eric battled for awhile to get him back to sleep, came out victorious, and we didn't hear from him again until 6:30am!!!

I have a suspicion that he's been getting more than enough to eat at night and that's why his eating habits during the day are so weird. Lots of times in the morning after his first feed he won't be interested in food again for 6 or 7 hours. I suppose it could also be that he's too distracted by the world to eat much during the day, so he makes up for it at night. Either way, "joke's on you mom!!"

Having to get up at 5am for work is motivation enough to get serious about regulating his night sleep a little more. Aside from my own sanity, I think he's also lot crabbier during the day when he wakes up that often.

He totally razzed today at me and Eric. He'd been practicing the different elements for about a week. Working his tongue in and out, pursing his lips, and blowing. Today he put it all together finally. The look on his face was priceless, we were laughing so hard I had tears coming down my face. I had to wipe them off along with the spit that was flying out of his mouth. At one point he got a little too excited, spit up a little bit and then blew that everywhere. It was fabulous. My goal for the week is to catch it on video.

1 comment:

buttakwup said...

We are in exactly the same place with sleep right now. She just started less than 3 hour stretches this week and I'm putting my foot down. She's been getting the binky from Daddy. Fought it the first night, but the past couple have been better. Here's hoping it's not a fluke.