Thursday, May 20, 2010

Working mom

Well I made it through my first day back at work without any problems. Seth woke me up at 4:30am yesterday which was more than enough time to feed him, do a 20 minute workout, get ready at a leisurely pace including hair and makeup, eat breakfast, feed him again and still get to work 15 minutes early. While I am not sure I really want to be waking up at 4:30am every day, I can say that waking up to feed Seth is a thousand times easier than waking up to an alarm. And my new motto is "early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable." So whatever works I guess. As I've said before, my life is not my own anymore.

Another demonstration of God's plan in the timing of all this baby stuff -- my company JUST completed a brand new mother's room in time for my return. It is very cozy, complete with a glider and iPod docking station. Too bad I don't have an iPod. Thankfully I have never had a problem with let down on the pump, maybe because I was pumping so much when Seth was in the hospital I just got used to it. Anyway, Eric texted me when he was feeding Seth, and I was in and out in less than 15 minutes with my usual 6 oz or so. Seth has only been eating about 3 oz from the bottle these days, and not very enthusiastically, so I'm still ahead of the game.

The (1/2 ish) day breezed by amazingly fast considering how little I had to do. Most of my time was spent saying "Yep, I'm back" and "Seth is doing great" to all the people who walked by my cube and did a double take. Speaking of my cube, it was COVERED in a layer of dust, so I spent half the morning wiping it down with anti-bacterial wipes. Then it took me an hour or three to skim and sort through my inbox, catch up on all the gossip, and clear the fog from my brain. But once I got going and had some coffee it was just like riding a bike. The only mistake I made was not packing enough snacks. By the time I left at 12:30 I was starving.

Eric took a few days off from work while I get into the swing of things, so when I got home we hung out for awhile and had lunch before going to the park. Eric practiced a bit with his Hoopfest team and Seth and I made the rounds in the stroller. We stopped over at Auntie Jen's house for dinner before heading home around 7pm and I was e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d. I put Seth to bed and it was lights out for me at 8:30pm.

This morning Seth upped the ante and woke us up at 3:30am. Eric made a valiant effort to get him back to sleep but he was dead set on getting some breakfast first. Rather than try and go back to sleep for an hour I figured I might as well make myself useful, so here I sit. Note my definition of useful ;) I guess I have time for an even longer workout today. Should have this baby weight off in no time at this rate.

1 comment:

McMahan family said...

Manda, I was praying for you yesterday and thinking of you all day. I am SO HAPPY to read about how successful your day went. You inspire me! You are AWESOME that you have even gotten in a workout before your morning starts. Truly, you are an amazing mom and this sort of thing just makes me wish we lived closer even more. I'm so glad your day back was a good one -- starting off on the right foot must make it feel that much more do-able in the long run!

Also, I'm trying to change my motto on arriving early on time too -- I just heard that quote somewhere very recently. Was it on a TV show we both watch? Some girl whose dad was in the military or something? I can't remember...

Anyway, this post made my morning. I'm happy for you, proud of you, and I miss you. Love to all of you.