Friday, February 13, 2009

Lame Bill$

I have had this bill from PAML laying around for awhile, waiting to be paid. Normally I am really good about paying my bills right away, but this one... THIS ONE showed my insurance company only paid about 50% of the $1300 worth of tests my Dr. ordered back in November. I finally got around to calling them a few weeks ago to find out what the deal was, and they said some of the tests weren't paid for because my plan didn't cover genetic testing. Notice that I used the past tense "didn't" because of course THIS YEAR IT DOES. So much for rushing to get all my testing out of the way before the end of 2008 since we had already met our deductible. I had to go through my bill line by line, comparing it to my EOB to figure out what tests weren't covered, because I didn't think there had been any "genetic" tests. It ended up being the test for the FACTOR V LEIDEN mutation of the blood (some blood clotting thing), which I was negative for anyway. I'm curious though because I never have gotten a bill for the chromosome testing they did after my d&c, which I was thinking might also fall under "genetic" testing, but who knows. It's hard to imagine they just forgot to bill me. I suppose it will show up sometime in the summer right when I've managed to put all that behind me :)

I'm ecstatic for the weeks to come. Day 19 is coming to a close, so another 14 days or so and I'll be peeing on little sticks again. Yay!

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