Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My uterus is beautiful

Seriously, that is what the ultrasound technician said to me today. She literally used the word "beautiful." I went in for my sonohystogram, and they did an ultrasound first. It looked so good they CANCELLED the sonohystogram. Eric said he wasn't surprised because everything about me is beautiful. Isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever heard in your life? Anyway, after the u/s Dr. H came in and said he really didn't see any point in going ahead with the sonohystogram, it would just be painful and annoying and pointless since there was nothing to look at anyway. He was really apologetic and said he knows it seems like we should be doing something, but there isn't anything wrong that they can find. He said it won't hurt to try a daily baby aspirin, and go on progesterone again when I find out I am pregnant. But other than that we just have to hope for the best. So I guess that's that.


buttakwup said...

So much waiting and hoping...
I'm so glad that nothing is wrong, but, my goodness it must be frustrating not having anything to blame.
Craig and I have been trying for 2 months! No success yet. I'm already freaking out that it's taking too long. I never imagined there would be so much fear associated with such a beautiful thing.
Watching you be so strong through all this is encouraging to me. I'm really proud of you. I mean, I always knew you were strong, but you've been a rock. And how you've been willing to share everything openly with us is really amazing. Man, I wish we could just go get coffee.

And so now we wait and try and pray and hope together...

Amanda said...

It is hard to believe that Eric and I have been "trying" now for almost 2 years. But I know that it will happen when it's meant to. I never imagined I would be blogging about my uterus on the internet either, I'm amazed anyone even reads this stuff ;)

McMahan family said...

My mom and I both read it regularly. And multiple times. Like I've already read this post but I came back to check for more and just re-read it. :) Sometimes my mom even knows the new info before I do. Go figure. Love you.