Saturday, August 8, 2009

Another pregnant moment

So today my sister and her roommate had their first annual "Women and Wine" party. I was the first to arrive so I thought I would jump in and help out. Natalie was making a crab dip so I started to put it together for her. When I got to the part where I was to add the crab boil seasoning, the baby translated "teaspoon" into "cup" for me which resulted in such an insanely salty dip that no one could possibly eat it. Then Natalie was teasing me a little bit and I pretty much started crying, it was awesome. I got over it and we managed to salvage it by adding an entire additional container of cream cheese, more crab, and more mayonnaise. Everyone said it was great, thankfully. But I felt like a total idiot. I totally knew better, too, as I was adding the crab seasoning I thought to myself, this is way too much. Oops.

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