Thursday, October 1, 2009

27 weeks - can't sleep

This whole waking up at the drop of a hat thing is reeeeally a drag. Wouldn’t really be a problem except that Eric gets home from work at like 2am EVERY NIGHT. I know he tries to be quiet but just the act of climbing into bed wakes me up just enough that I realize I have to pee, so I have to get up. Which wakes me up enough to feel Seth squirming around a bunch, as he has decided that 2am-4am is a good time to do his baby yoga. By then I am so wide awake that just Eric’s breathing is enough to keep me from falling back asleep. This morning I finally went up and slept on the couch for awhile from about 3:30-6:30am, at which time my alarm going off DOWNSTAIRS woke me up. Good grief. Those were the good old days when I could sleep through a category 5 hurricane if I needed to.

Incidentally, I looked into birth centers in Spokane, mainly out of curiosity. I really have no intention of switching providers at this point and I am pretty comfortable going to the hospital and practicing what I learned in 5th grade D.A.R.E – “Just say no” to drugs. Anyway, there is just one birth center in Spokane and the next closest is 40 minutes from our house in Hayden, ID. The one in Spokane, well, it seems fine. But I’m going to be honest, this isn't the Seattle area by any means. I mean, seriously, some of those places have birthing suites that are FAR nicer than the hotel room I stayed in on my wedding night. And that is saying something. So bottom line, my options are pretty limited as far as that goes. I haven’t actually seen the birth suites at Sacred Heart yet but I have heard they are divine. I can do this. WE can do this. Damn the torpedoes!


McMahan family said...

The first part of this post sounds EXACTLY like me! I hate waking up and then thinking, "Ehh, I kind of have to pee. I don't really want to and I don't have to go that badly. But I don't want gallstones or kidney stones or a UTI. So maybe I should just get up real quick. I'll keep my eyes mostly closed so maybe I'll only be half-awake. Ugh, this body/pregnancy pillow is SO HARD to maneuver to get out of bed! Okay, now I'm REALLY awake." And so on and so forth. :) And I've been like this since week 14 or 16 or something! INSANE! I didn't start having this problem with Emma until the tail end of the second trimester or just into the third.

I can't wait to hear what you think of the birth suites at your hospital. That was one of the most exciting parts for us -- touring the birth center at Valley. I couldn't believe that we were soon going to have our OWN ROOM that was OURS in which our CHILD would enter the world. At Valley, you labor, deliver and post-partum in the same room. So I was envisioning it ALL when we had our tour. Can you take pictures when you see your suites? I want to see what they look like!

And don't be too scared about the hospital pushing drugs on you. Well, I guess I should just say that I never felt pressured ... not every experience would be the same. My doc said just last week two of her births were totally natural so she's really supportive of that, too. Soon ... you'll have your own birth story and I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR ALL THE DETAILS OF LITTLE SETH'S BIG DAY!

McMahan family said...

My main thing ... from what I hear from all my friends who have gone naturally ... is make sure your main supporters (Eric, Natalie, or anyone else you'll have in the room with you ... ahem, like maybe your photographer, ahem) will encourage you to go all the way without any drugs and stand firm. That's even what the nurse said at my neighbor's recent natural birth (at Valley) -- that the biggest contributing factor to moms getting all the way sans epidural is when their "support team" is strong and keeps the moms on track and feeling positive. Just another tidbit from someone else who likes to learn these things for the second go-around. :)

Amanda said...

*Ahem* I hear ya! I just hope my photographer makes it!! I laughed really hard about what you said about maneuvering the body pillow. Seriously, sometimes I have second thoughts just about whether or not to roll over on my other side, it's so much work!