Friday, April 2, 2010

Big boy bed

Well Seth officially slept in his crib all night the last two nights. *sniff* We'd been slowly putting him in there more and more, and finally he is now spending the whole night there. Truth be told, I think we are both sleeping better this way. He still wakes up around 3:30-4am for a meal, but his room is right next door to ours. With both doors open I don't even need the baby monitor to hear when he is truly awake. But when he's not in the room I am not awakened or kept awake by every little sound he makes or breath he takes. And in fact, yesterday morning I heard him wake up, and he whined for a couple of minutes, and then just started babbling. I went in after a few minutes and he was just in there talking to his monkey mobile. When he saw me he got really excited and smiled. Be still my heart!

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