Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Seth 14 weeks

Dear Seth,

You are 14 weeks old today. There's not a ton of new stuff to report this week, you are just cruising along right on schedule. You aren't really reaching for stuff on purpose (although I can tell you
really want to), but you are getting pretty good at sandwiching strategically placed toys between two hands and bringing them to your mouth. You sat in the crib for awhile yesterday afternoon and slobbered all over pretty much everything I could find. You especially liked the small elephant off the play yard mobile. The trunk fit right in your mouth like a furry pacifier and you were super excited about it.

You can hold your head up really well now when you're on your tummy. Not for long, but when you do it is good and steady. I think you're just not that interested in looking around, your hands are entertaining enough. You love to stare at your hands and feet. When I prop you up sitting on the couch you will move your feet back and forth and watch them in fascination for what seems like a long time (and for the record, you have really sweaty feet). You also stare at my hands and feet when they are in view.

You smile really big at random times now, and not just when someone smiles at you first. In fact, lots of times you'll smile and laugh the most when you're really tired. And I am pretty sure I've gotten some of the biggest smiles ever when I'm up feeding you at 3am.
You've perfected the screech now and you do it when you're bored or frustrated. You get frustrated quite a bit I think as your motor skills haven't caught up with your brain. There's a lot of stuff you know can be done but you just can't quite figure out how. Patience, grasshopper, my ears will thank you later and when you're an adult you won't have to make fun of me because I'm going deaf.

Wow, I thought I didn't have much to say, but now look I have rambled on for quite awhile. I guess I just really love ya kiddo! Until next week...

Love, Mama

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