Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Attack of the baby brain

So, I just went thru the Starbucks drive thru, paid for my drink and drove away. Without my drink. Doh! What next?


buttakwup said...

haha. I was "killing time" before work today when I looked at my cell phone and realized it was an hour later than I thought and was due at work 15 mintues previous. I feel your pain.

pete said...

HA! That's silly...and it only gets worse (that's what they say anyway)

McMahan family said...

LOL LOL LOL! Yesterday, Emma was sitting next to me on the couch and I noticed she only had one shoe on. I asked her where her other shoe was and she looked at me, then just gently pointed to her missing shoe, which was sitting in my lap. :)

Amanda said...

Haha I am laughing picturing Emma pointing at her shoe in your lap. She was probably thinking "is Mommy going crazy?"