Wednesday, January 6, 2010

T + 5 days

Well here we are again, still pregnant! I keep waking up thinking maybe I am leaking a little fluid, but after awhile it seems to just go back to the usual dampness that has been going on for months. If my water breaks it better be a big dramatic gush like in the movies or else I am afraid I won't know the difference.

Seth seems to have wanted to wait until Auntie Natalie came back from her trip. So I guess maybe he'll be coming today or tomorrow since Nat is probably in the air right at this very moment between San Fran and Spokane. I've been having a few contractions this morning again, but nothing too exciting. I'm heading out grocery shopping and to pick up another blank VHS tape so we can record our ultrasound this afternoon. I am excited we have another opportunity to take a peek in there and see how he's looking. But it sure will be nice to see him in color!

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