Monday, September 14, 2009

aches and pain

Lately I have been having this crazy sharp pain in my groin.  Usually it is right after I stand up from sitting or lying down, and it is so bad on the right side that I have to hobble and limp along for awhile.  After I walk aways though it settles down and I’m okay.  Really kind of annoying though, has anyone else had this?  I assume it is just my joints and ligaments getting all stretchy stretchy but I’m wondering if I should give my doctor a call just in case since I don’t have an appointment for another two weeks.


buttakwup said...

Could be round ligament pain, the pain of your ligaments stretching to accomodate for your growing Uterus. I have had a lot of that. I'm not sure it was in my groin though. More like very low on my abdomen, on either side of the bump--kind of ing front where my legs meet my stomach. But it's a really sharp pain. If that's what it is, it's normal as long as it's transient.
My new pain this week is leg cramps. I heard that I might get them, and I've been having Achy legs waking me up. But no, that's not the same thing as leg cramps. Twice now, my calf muscle have woken me up because they are completed contracted involuntarily. It is freaky. And really painful. It makes me think about my Uterus doing that during labor. :( ouch.

Amanda said...

Totally! I have had the leg cramps too. They don't wake me up but in the morning if I am stretching laying in bed and point my toes - WHAM! Saturday I had to leap out of bed to stand up and stretch my calf out. And yeah, seriously painful. I hope labor doesn't feel like that... eek!

The round ligament pain on the sides of my uterus I have felt too, especially if I sneeze or something without bending over. This is down lower, but from my research it sounds like it still could be related. Feels better today actually after working out yesterday. Maybe I just need more exercise ;) It couldn't hurt.

Amanda said...

Oh, and I haven't had a leg cramp since I've eaten a banana every day this week :) Maybe coincidence but bananas are good anyway!